Jürg Jecklin in person

Here are a few impressions and pictures by and with Jürg Jecklin.

Jürg is "who", Jürg" was "who" and Jürg will always remain what we loved him for: a friend, a professional, a kind person.

These are apt words from an obituary of Jürg Jecklin that sum him up as a human being.

  • Juerg-Jecklin-FLOAT-QA-bei-Vorstellung-2012
  • buch-jecklin-musikaufnahmen
  • cdstudio-jecklin-original
  • danni-jecklin-1
  • juerg-jecklin-giving-a-lecture-during-the-quad-fest
  • juerg-jecklin-prototyp-float-qa
  • next-generation-float-kundin

Realisierung: NetQuartett Webdesign Köln